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Craft kits for children
on all kinds of Jewish and Hebrew topics

Sticker book
Craft diary
Crafting and collecting stickers
Each of our craft kits opens the door to a little adventure for your children - a treasure chest filled with everything they need to create their own unique works of art while playfully exploring a Jewish concept, idea or tradition. As a special highlight, each set adds a living sticker to the adventure for your own scrapbook.
Request a free sticker book
As soon as your children have completely filled their scrapbook, we will reward their enthusiasm with a little surprise. Each individual sticker represents a step full of joy of learning and enjoyment in the world of Jewish traditions. Accompany your little ones on this creative journey of discovery and watch with pride as they create an album that not only captures their cultural heritage, but also tells of their personal learning adventure and the joy of discovery on every page.
The themes of the kits
Our attractive craft kits enrich the work with children with modern designs and elements that ensure long hours of dealing with topics of everyday Jewish life
The Jewish feasts
Sets for the festivals invite children to engage with the respective festivals and offer equipment for celebrating

Craft sets that help you get to know your home country better. In addition, some sets offer the opportunity to get to know children from Israel and make friends with them.

The sets on Jewish traditions invite children on a journey to trace the origins of the respective traditions and then apply them themselves

Learning Hebrew in a fun way - that's possible with our Hebrew craft kits. From Alefbet to tricky writing tasks.

Strengthening Jewish concepts that have survived generations and continue to strengthen Jewishness today.

The big kits
Extensive kits for whole cheder units (2-4 hours)
The small kits
Small kits for in between (1-2 hours)
Cooking & baking kits
Cooking, baking, decorating, building and learning!
Craft kit add-ons
Useful add-ons for various activities
Coloring kits
Vinyl ironing kits
Systematik der Chagim
Bedeutung der ersten Zahl der Bastelsets und Produkte hier im Shop
Zahl | Feiertag | Beschreibung |
1 | Rosch Haschana | Haupt des Jahres: das jüdische Neujahr |
2 | Sukkot | Laubhüttenfest: Bau von Laubhütten, Schütteln des Lulaw |
3 | Chanukka | Fest der Tempelwiedereinweihung zur Zeit der Makkabäer: Anzünden der Chanukkia |
4 | Purim | Losfest: Die Geschichte der Befreiung der Israeliten durch Königin Esther (Hadassa) |
5 | Pessach | Fest des Auszugs aus Ägypten |
6 | Schawuot | Wochenfest: Empfang der 10 Gebote, Gabe der Erstlingsfrüchte (Bikkurim) |
7 | Schabbat | Der Ruhetag: Der heilige 7.Tag der Woche |
8 | Jom HaAtzmaut | Der Unabhängigkeitstag des Staates Israel |