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The entire collection of Maamin Publishing
Seder Jom Ha’atzmaut | Gebete für Israel
My Israel | The History of Israel | For Children
Adventure in Israel | 350 quiz questions about Israel
My Parasha | The Torah Readings for Children
Adventures with the Torah
Alefbet Coloring Book | Animals
Seder Rosh Chodesh | Prayers for New Moon
Picture book for Shabbat | 28 pages
Megillat Jonah | Rosh Hashanah | For Children
In the desert | Sukkot | For children
Megillah for Hanukkah
Megilat Esther - the Purim story
Exodus from Egypt | Passover | For Children
Megillat Ruth | Schawuot | Für Kinder
Adventure book for Rosh Hashanah | In the footsteps of Jonah
Adventure Book for Sukkot | In the Footsteps of the Israelites
Adventure book for Hanukkah | In the footsteps of the Maccabees
Adventure Book for Purim | In the Footsteps of Esther
Adventure book for Pesach | In the footsteps of Moshe | 40 pages
Adventure Book for Shavuot | With Ruth to Israel