Garland | Hanukkah | Hebrew & Transliterated
Colored Hebrew letter garland for Hanukkah, colored cardboard paper, approx. 12 cm high and 2 meters wide, incl. cord for hanging & online instructions
Letter garland for Hanukkah
This colorful paper letter garland is perfect as an unusual and festive decoration for your Hanukkah celebration. It consists of colored paper letters with the word Hanukkah in Hebrew and transliterated with English letters. The letters are threaded into a thin thread.
This garland is a great way to decorate your home for Hanukkah and create a festive atmosphere. It can be used again and again.
Instructions & Info
The letter garland is very easy to hang. It can be hung either on the wall or on the ceiling. It is perfect for decorating a location or as an eye-catcher in your living room to bring the joy of Hanukkah into your home.
The letters on the garland are made of high-quality, thick paper. They are available in different colors so that you can match them perfectly to your Hanukkah decorations.
Feel free to contact us to request a specific color.
QR code
Ein QR-Code führt euch zur Anleitung für diese Girlande auf unserer Website. Dort könnt ihr sehen, wie die Girlande aussehen muss, damit ihr die Buchstaben und Symbole richtig auffädeln könnt.