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Talit und Tora

Reading & Learning Torah

Your introduction to the world of the Torah

Tools for Reading and Learning the Torah

The Torah

The holiest book in the world

The Torah is at the heart of Jewish identity, history and tradition. It formed the Israelites into a people some 3,500 years ago and has since acted as a unifying bond, holding the Jewish community together through times of turmoil, persecution and attempts at extermination.

The text of the Torah includes not only basic narratives from creation to the emergence of the Hebrew nation, but also the 613 mitzvot - commandments that serve as a guide for a fulfilling life in the homeland of Israel and for the relationship with the Eternal.

As a direct revelation from the Lord to Moses on Mount Horev, the Torah is invaluable and forms the foundation of the bond between the Lord and his chosen people. It functions as both a spiritual compass and a historical document that preserves and strengthens Jewish identity and cultural heritage to this day.

No other text in world history has been studied and revered as intensely as the Torah, which underscores its central importance for Judaism and also for the world.

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